Thursday, December 11, 2008

12th Night

So... on the 4th, 5th and 6th, the Southern Maine Association of Shakespearean Homeschoolers (a.k.a. SMASH) put on 12th Night, and for the first time since I can remember... I wasn't in the play as an actor. I got to do the lights, in a sense... it came to pass that I ended up as lighting assistant, because I wasn't able to make the dress rehearsal, and the other guy who was doing the lights managed to make all the performances on time!

In the spare time that resulted, I took pictures of the first night... did something the second night (I don't remember what- probably just read off the changes to Nick... the other guy...) and the third night, I filmed the production. (Next time around, I'm going to get a better recording... I don't know how, but I will. Even if I'm acting.) I missed a few lines because of operator error (i.e. the camera wanted to make me wait, and didn't get done before the scene change was done...) Anyhow, I shall see what I can do with the video, and perhaps post a few sections of it. (We had an excellent fool.)

So, a few of the pictures:

The "madly used" Malvolio... in a minute of deep contemplation.

Fabian... every mischief-making villain needs a good mustache, eh?

Sebastian- the hero with the mustache... (I think I have a better one that I will replace it with.)

Maria- this girl was amazing... excellent first time acting!

Maria again... I do believe this was her explaining how alike her writing was to Olivia's.

Malvolio takes on Sir Toby Belch's late night revelry.

I still have another roll of shots, and a few that might look a lot better in Black and White... I'll try and put them up later...


Anonymous said...

Were these all taken upstairs? Did you use some kind of filter on the pics? They look amazing...and old. haha.

William said...

In the Great Room? Yeah! That's where the last two plays have been held- I think it's supposed to become the "home theater" for SMASH- the place to practice and premiere.
I didn't use a filter- I have a suspicion that it was the lights (stage lights... you know what they do for color...) and that I didn't use a flash- I just basically opened the aperture all the way, and slowed the shutter until the light meter was content. (It was "old" equipment... but it's fun to use, and I'm actually starting to get some idea of what I'm doing... at last!)